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“Waking up the Music Within”

Have you ever considered taping into your creative-self, as a way, to explore and reach to the answers and solutions to your everyday or long lasting issues and difficulties?


Maria Samara, MA-SFMT, FAMI, Music Therapist and Musician will lead us through this process of “waking up” our musical creative self. Our “Music Child”. Our inborn musicality, residing in each one of us that can be activated in the service of personal growth and development. (Nordoff-Robbins).

How often have we all used music to accompany our different life experiences, good or bad, happy, or sad? Our music preferences may be different but we seldom find people not liking music whatsoever. What is our connection to the music? As human beings, we all have the potential to act and react to music. We experience the pleasure and satisfaction of listening to it, the sense of joy, connection and togetherness when playing it with others, the unique intellectual journey when studying it, the physical energy within our bodies when listening or playing music that will make us move, dance or sing along.

It is scientifically proven that music besides being a social experience, links us with our emotional, spiritual, and inner selves. It can trigger and/or connect us to memories, hidden thoughts, or desires. It can be the anchor that connects our present to our past and our future. Music Therapy as a holistic therapeutic approach, can provide us with experiences that involve the same time our body, mind, soul, and spirit. It can help us come to an ease with our past and everything that is holding us back and help us reach our full potential.


So, come join us to this experiential meetup and learn more about Music Therapy and GIM Music Therapy. Experience what it means “Waking up your Music Child” and dare to be creative. Explore how it feels “daring” to be free, spontaneous, find and explore this new way of experiencing and connecting to your music and to yourself.  


Maria Samara is an English, Greek and German speaking Music Therapist/GIM-Psychotherapist, MA-SFMT, FAMI (Master of Arts in Music Therapy, N.Y.U), a Music Pedagogue and a Singer. Maria is an Ordinary Member of the Swiss Association for Music Therapy (SFMT), and of the Association for Music and Imagery (AMI).

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